Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Doc #2 Naoroji

In this speech, Dadabhai Naoroji, an Indian, describes the effect of imperialism on India.

To sum up the whole, the British rule has been-morally, a great blessing; politically peace and order on one hand ... on the other, materially, impoverishment .... The natives call the British system . . . "the knife of sugar." That is to say there is no oppression, it is all smooth and sweet, but it is the knife, nevertheless.

In later comments he stresses the negative aspects.

Europeans [the British] occupy almost all the higher places in every department of govern- ment.... Natives, no matter how fit, are deliberately kept out of the social institutions started by Europeans. All they [the Europeans] do is live off of India while they are here. When they go, they carry all they have gained.

How is British imperialism both positive and negative for India?


Anonymous said...

The people of India, had a steady government, but they were still poor with no control.

-christina fiscella

Anonymous said...

The people of India were poor and had no control in their own goverment.

-Jason JAmes

AnDrEw said...

there was peace and order but on the other hand they were poor

Rob A said...

The people of India has no controll over their government, and were very poor

Marissa : ) said...

The British imperalism is both positive and negative to India because the people first felt that the British rule has been a blessing and they had restored peace and order. However they also feel that the British occupy almost all of the higher places in government. Also they claim how the natives are kept out of social situations that are started by the Europeans. They state how the Europeans live off of India while they are occupying the land and when they leave, they take all that they have gained.

Zalex said...

While British imperialism has improved the lives of Indians, they have completely taken over and give the natives no say in their own land.

prodriguez said...

positive- British restored peace and order

negative- British had control of the government and natives were kept out of social situations

Pablo Rodriguez

Zack's eco said...

As the british came to india they brought new inventions as a positive effect on india.
As a negative effect, the europeans took over goverment,the people and their rights.

Anonymous said...

There were postive effects of imperialism are that the natives called "the knife of sugar". The negative affects were that the British are living off the indian land and they kept out of social institution.

Lisa orozco

polishmaf8 said...

the indians had a sxtrong goverment but did not have all there rights

brenden said...

the british is positive and negative becasue they brought new things to there civilization and they had bad things like no freedom or rights.

Diana said...

The British imperalism is both positive and negative to India because people of India, had a steady government but they were still poor with no control

El Ray said...

a positive view of british imperialism is that they brought education to india. a negative view is that it meant for the native people to do whatever the british says