Monday, December 15, 2008

Explore and document Victorian inventions

View the animations in the Technology section of this link.

Who wants to be a Cotton Millionaire? - tesdt your skills as a businessman
Muck and Brass - make important decisions as you run Cottonopolis
Stephenson's Rocket Animation - Inside the trailblazing steam engine
The Blast Furnace Animation - Inside the device that shaped the industrial revolution
The Spinning Mill Animation - Inside the machinery that revolutionised textiles
Winding Gear Animation - Inside this mechanism of the industrial age
The Beam Engine Animation - Inside the Victorian engine
Paddle Steamship Animation - Inside the engine of a paddle steamer

Choose one to describe on your Blog and discuss how it heped improve life in the Industrial Revolution.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Industrial revolution

Watch the two video clips below and answer this question on your Blog or in a Word document.

In England, around 1750, many factors seemed to come together to create the Industrial Revolution. What were some of these factors? (Include geographic, social and technology reasons)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Italian unification assignment

Do some Internet research and get the following:

  1. Before and after maps of Italian Unification
  2. Info on Camillo Cavour, the two Giuseppis: Garibaldi and Mazzini and Victor Emmanuel
  3. Timeline of key events

Combine the three elements above to produce a brief overview of the Italian unification. You may submit on your blog or use a software application of your choosing (Word, Publisher, Inspiration or PowerPoint)

Due by the end of this week.

Try this link for an overview

Try this link for before and after maps

Try this link for a timeline

Friday, December 5, 2008

DBQ 15 Nationalism in the 18th Century

Upload this image to your blog. (copy and save from here or it is on the Share drive josephson\Global ii\nationalism).

Post your introduction, topic sentences for each body paragraph and conclusion to your Blog.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Nationalism Hero Profile

The French Revolution inspired a great rise in feelings of Nationalism not only in France, but throughout Europe and their territories in the Americas. Your assignment is to create a single page profile of one of the leaders of Nationalistic movements.

For full credit, include the following:

  1. Person's name and when he lived

  2. Which nation(s) he or she were active in promoting Nationalism

  3. The definition of Nationalism

  4. A specific challenge they faced

  5. An interesting or curious aspect of this person

  6. A summary of the impact of that person on the Nation

You may use Word, PowerPoint or Publisher (recommended) to create your project. Choose from the list below or ask me for permission if you would like to cover someone else.

Italy: Camillo Cavour, Giuseppi Garibaldi, Giuseppi Mazzini

Germany: Otto Von Bismarck

Haiti: Toussaint L'Overture

Latin America: Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin

Mexico: Miguel Hidalgo

Chile: Bernard O'Higgins

Turkey: Kemal Attaturk

Due after Thanksgiving break (December 1st)

Extra Credit: post it to your Blog, make a poster and/or present to the class

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Machiavelli "Power Quote" assignment

  1. Follow this link and read a brief overview of Niccolo Machiavelli

  2. Go to this link to read quotes by Machiavelli

  3. Select a quote that you feel helps a ruler acquire or maintain power.

  4. Copy the quote into a post on your Blog and explain why it would help a ruler increase or keep their power.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Appeasement? What did Chamberlain do wrong?

The embarassing history lesson begins at the 3:59 mark.
View this video clip (May 15th, 2009) and watch Hardball host Chris Mathews corner radio host Kevin James, who refuses to admit he didn't know what British PM Neville Chamberlain did on the eve of WWII.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Create DBQ on 20th century conflict

This project will count as a test grade. The assignment is at this address.
Due Date: May 16th.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hitler's Rise to Power

Visit this site and complete all five activities:
When you are done print out your summary and give it to me.

Extra credit:
Fill out THIS FORM and print it out.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Gareth Jones’ Observations of Communist Russia

Gareth Jones, a Welsh reporter, was the only western reporter who reported on life in Russia under Stalin during the 5-year plan. He was murdered when he tried to do the same thing in China several years later. Go to the site dedicated to this great reporter:
Many links are on the site to articles written by Jones. Pick one that interests you, read it and create a blog entry or PowerPoint with a summary of the article and a link back to the one you read.

Directions: please include the following for full credit:

  1. Your names
  2. Quick profile of Gareth Jones (why he is important)
  3. Article Title, where published with Date
  4. Main Idea of Article (what was going on at which part of Russia).
  5. Most important point made or detail provided
  6. 2nd most important point made or detail provided
  7. Most surprising thing in the article

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Current event article: Tibet

What is going on in Tibet?
What does this have to do with the Dalai Lama?
Could it effect the Olympics in China?

Research the above questions and post the results on your Blog.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Create an interactive multimedia PowerPoint

Login to network.
Open PowerPoint.
Open and review the instructions in the file S:\Josephson\Creating interactive multimedia PowerPoints.ppt

Friday, March 14, 2008

Russian Revolution

Go to the site. Follow link or navigate to Global History\Change & turning points\Political revolutions.
Scroll down to the Russian Revolution.
Read the section on the Russian Revolution and create a post on your blog that includes the following:
  1. three causes of the Russian Revolution
  2. define the term Bolshevik
  3. two effects of the revoultion

Additional reading about the path to revolution in Russia can be found here.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rasputin: The Mad Monk!

Make a new post on your blog about Rasputin, the mad Monk who influenced the Romanov family in Russia just before the Bolshevik Revolution.

The life, powers and influence of Rasputin.
The death of Rasputin (especially the last three paragraphs).

Include the following:
  1. A description of the man physically (include photo if possible).
  2. Evidence of his special healing powers.
  3. Why he was resented by the Tsar and other members of the court.
  4. How he was killed.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Blog Gandhi on your Blog

Create a post on your blog which includes the following:

  1. An image of Mohandis Gandhi

  2. Descriptions of two different scenes from the movie we've been viewing in class.

  3. Definitions of the terms civil disobedience and passive resistance

  4. A summary of either of these events: the Amritsar Massacre or the Salt March

Monday, February 4, 2008

Outside information

All DBQ's require outside information in their essays. Post at least one item of outside information here.

Doc. #7 Gandhi

Mohandas Gandhi offers a complaint about imperialism.

You British committed one supreme crime against my people. For a hundred years you have done everything for us. You have given us no responsibility for our own government."- Mohandas Gandhi

What is Gandhi's criticism of imperialism?

Doc #6 Nehru

This excerpt, from The Discovery of India by Jawaharlal Nehru, explains how India became a "typical" colonial economy.

This process continued throughout the nineteenth century. Other old Indian industries- shipbuilding, metalwork, glass, paper-and many crafts were broken up. Thus the economic development of India was stopped and the growth of new industry was prevented.... A typical colonial economy was built up.India became an agricultural colony of industrial England. It supplied raw materials and provided markets for England's industrial goods. The destruction of industry led to unemployment on a vast scale.... The poverty of the country grew. The standard of living fell to terribly low levels.

What negative effects of imperialism does Nehru point out?

Doc #5: India: A Restatement

This excerpt, from India: A Restatement by British writer Sir Reginald Coupland, points out the social and economic impact of imperialism on India.

British rule brought with it from the West certain standards of humanity that Indian society had not yet reached. Early action was taken to stop infanticide [the killing of girl babies] .... The slave trade was ended and the owning of slaves was forbidden .... One result of the new order was a steady rise in the value of India's export trade.

What are the benefits of imperialism identified by this author?

Doc. #4: Marriott

This excerpt is adapted from British historian, J. A. R., Marriott's book, The English in India, 1932.

British brains, British enterprise, and British capital have changed the face of India. Means of communication have been developed. There are great numbers of bridges, more than 40,000 miles of railway, and 70,000 miles of paved roads. These testify to the skill and industry ofBritish engineers. Irrigation works on a very large scale have brought 30 million acres under cultivation. This has greatly added to the agricultural wealth of the country. Industrialization has also begun. India now has improved sanitation and a higher standard of living. It has afine transport system and carefully thought-out schemes for relief work. Because of these things famines have now almost disappeared.

List at least five benefits of imperialism cited by this author.

Doc. #3 Romesh Dutt

This excerpt is adapted from The Economic History of India Under Early British Rule, by an Indian, Romesh Dutt.

Englishmen. . . have given the people of India the greatest human blessing-peace. They have introduced Western education. This has brought an ancient and civilized nation in touch with modern thought, modern sciences, and modern life. They have built an administration that is strong and efficient. They have framed wise laws and have established courts of justice.

What benefits did India gain during British imperialism?

Doc. #2 Dadabhai Naoroji

In this speech, Dadabhai Naoroji, an Indian, describes the effect of imperialism on India.

To sum up the whole, the British rule has been-morally, a great blessing; politically peace and order on one hand ... on the other, materially, impoverishment .... The natives call the British system . . . "the knife of sugar." That is to say there is no oppression, it is all smooth and sweet, but it is the knife, nevertheless.In later comments he stresses the negative aspects.Europeans [the British] occupy almost all the higher places in every department of govern- ment.... Natives, no matter how fit, are deliberately kept out of the social institutions started by Europeans. All they [the Europeans] do is live off of India while they are here. When they go, they carry all they have gained.

How is British imperialism both positive and negative for India?

Doc. #1 O.P Austin

In this excerpt, adapted from O. P. Austin's "Does Colonization Pay?" in The Forum, January 1900, positive and negative results of imperialism are pointed out.

Modern progressive nations (European colonizers) ... seek to control "garden spots" in the tropics. Under their direction, these places can yield the tropical produce that their citizens need. In return the progressive nations bring to the people of those garden spots the food- stuffs, and manufactures they need. They develop the territory by building roads, canals, railways, and telegraphs. The progressive nations can establish schools and newspapers for the people of the colonies. They can also give these people the benefit of other blessings of civilization which they have not the means of creating themselves.

1.)According to this author, what are the benefits of imperialism to the colony?
2.)What are the benefits of imperialism to the colonizer?

Imperialism in India DBQ #17

Essay Task:Discuss the positive and negative aspects of British imperialism in India from the perspective of both the Imperialist country (Britain) and the Colony (India). Reminder: Refer to at least four documents and include outside information.Historical Background:European imperialism in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries resulted in the carving up of areas of Africa and Asia into vast colonial empires. This was the case for British colonialism in India. As imperialism spread, the colonizer and the colony viewed imperialism differently. They saw both positive and negative effects of imperialism.Read the documents and post a comment for each of the documents. In your posts do the following:
Note the perspective (point of view) of the author
State whether the document reveals positive or negative results for the Imperialist (Britain) or the Colony (India)
Read a comment posted by a fellow student. Post a follow-up comment stating if you disagree or agree with a them and explain why.
Make sure you make an entry in the Oustide Info section.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Imperialism Webquest

Follow this link to start your web quest. Post any required writing on your blog

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Capitalism v. Communism Categorization Project

The economic theory of Capitalism helped produce a society where the business owners (entrepreneurs or bourgeoisie) got very rich while taking advantage of the poor working class. There were many examples of worker (proletariat) abuse in the early part of the Industrial Revolution: child labor, long hours, low pay and unsafe working conditions.

Karl Marx, with Frederick Engels, created a new economic theory called Communism. It called for the violent overthrow (revolution) of the business owners (Bourgeoisie) by the working class (Proletariat). Poverty would be eliminated by sharing all of the profits equally among all the members of society.


Your task this period is to create a Microsoft Publisher file that organizes quotes and images into two categories: Capitalist and Communist. Each step of the process is outlined in the four steps below. You need to explain why you placed at least two images and two quotes in each column.

1. Create your publisher file

Step 1: Use the image below to create the top of your project or create your own.

2. Summary textbox at the bottom of your project

Step 2: Create a summary textbox at the bottom of your project for each of the items you have included in that column. Explain why each of the items you chose (image or quote) has been placed in that category.

3. Quotes for Capitalism v. Communism categorization

Step 3. Interpret the quotes in this post. Copy and paste at least two quotes for each catgory into a textbox in the appropriate column of your project.

"From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his need."

"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest."

"Let the ruling classes tremble"

"Man is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with another."

"The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains."

"The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations"

"Workingmen of all countries, unite!"


"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."


"The history of all previous societies has been the history of class struggles."


"Abolish all private property."

"Greed is good"

"The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed."

4. Images for Capitalism v. Communism categorization

Step 4: Interpret the images in this post. Copy and paste at least two images of each type into the appropriate column of your project. Adjust the size of the image to make sure it all fits.