Gandhi made a speech to his people in Africa descussing the new laws that were created not helping the Hindu's and Muslim's. They were all willing on helping Gandhi with the set of goals that he stated.
Despite the fact that Ghandi was an upper class lawyer educated in Britin, he was still not allowed in the first class section of a train in South Africa (even with a ticket).
The salt march is a march lead by Gandhi by going to the coast to try to make salt from the sea. They didn't need the English to sell them goods, they made the salt by their own. They took the salt out of the sea and let it dry.
Imperialist country's took over alot of other county's that they thought were minoraty's to them, but also had raw material that the Europeans could us to help the economy grow.
Imperialism was good for the colonizer but was bad for the colonies.
Gandhi made a speech to his people in Africa descussing the new laws that were created not helping the Hindu's and Muslim's. They were all willing on helping Gandhi with the set of goals that he stated.
Despite the fact that Ghandi was an upper class lawyer educated in Britin, he was still not allowed in the first class section of a train in South Africa (even with a ticket).
The salt march is a march lead by Gandhi by going to the coast to try to make salt from the sea. They didn't need the English to sell them goods, they made the salt by their own. They took the salt out of the sea and let it dry.
imperializm was good for the colinizer bad fot the people
people wre npot given rights
poeple wre not given rights
ganhdi gave speaches to stop the ineqiality in the country
he was willing to help anyone that he could have
Imperialist country's took over alot of other county's that they thought were minoraty's to them, but also had raw material that the Europeans could us to help the economy grow.
the last comment was me Lisa Orozco
Gandi had secret meetings with the other muslums and hindus' to discuse there actions toward the british.
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